About the band:
The Sachschaden was a punk rock band from the East-Berlin district of Marzahn.
The idea of starting a band came about around December 1994, led to their first concert on May 1st, 1995 until they break up in 2002.
The idea of starting a band came about around December 1994, led to their first concert on May 1st, 1995 until they break up in 2002.
The songs in this video are taken from the band's 5-song debut EP, which was recorded in September 2000.
How do I know all this? I was a band member. ✌️😎
I created the original music video for “something wrong” between 2006/2007 and beside some animated gifs it was one of my first works in the field of video editing.
While browsing through some old hard disks I found this video file and decided to re-release it in some way.
Especially because the song and video unfortunately still fit just as well today as they did back then.

The main problem for a re-release was that I only found some rendered files with poor/low resolution because back then, I simply recorded TV commercials directly from the screen with a digital camera and edited them into a music video.
The video resolution of the camera was limited to 640 × 480, so I only had this video in low pixelated quality, which is pretty bad for a release nowadays.
The goal was set and I started to develop ideas and concepts for the re-release in 2024.
Process | Behind the Scenes
The short breakdown clip shows a glimpse into the process of how I created the opening sequence from scratch and entirely in Unreal Engine.
To show the video on an old TV was kinda obvious to me. Said and done.

Since I also like to tell short stories with my video work I came up with the idea of setting everything up in a kind of regular street scenario with life, garbage and everything else.
I built everything from scratch in Unreal Engine using assets from Unreal Marketplace, Quixel Megascans and 3D models from Sketchfab [TV, Bicycle].
TV Model: “CRT TV” (https://skfb.ly/ooRTR) by Timothy Ahene [Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)]
Bicycle: “Old Bicycle” by CharlesNG (https://sketchfab.com/CharlesNG) [Licensed under Free Standard License]
Bicycle: “Old Bicycle” by CharlesNG (https://sketchfab.com/CharlesNG) [Licensed under Free Standard License]

In order to promote the project on social media, I also created various teaser clips.

Shortened teaser overview without audio.
I'm always interested in new projects and am available for freelance work.